Salt – featuring Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie plays a good looking spy or secret agent type character. There is lots of explosions, gun play and Jolie looking sexy in black outfits. Her character Salt is accused of a crime and she has to escape and prove her innocence, all the while looking hawt! Unfortunately, it seems like Jolie has started to be type cast as the female action star type. It isn't a bad thing but once you have seen this it once you have seen it a million times.
Rating: Buy the Bootleg DVD 3 for $10
Despicable Me – featuring voices of Steve Carrell
The number of animated features continues to grow and this one stars the voice of Steve Carrell as an evil genius trying to rule the world with the help of some one eyed little people. Some little kids get in the picture and hilarity ensues. Little kids always have the ability to bring down evil geniuses. As with most of the animated features these days it is visually stunning and kids or adults alike should like.
Rating: Sneak into the movie theater to watch
Sorcerer’s Apprentice – featuring Nic Cage
Nicholas Cage in a Disney movie sounds like an oxymoron. The fact that Cage needs the money probably has nothing to do with this movie being made. He has long flowing hair and cool powers and he tries to teach someone how to harness his powers. Although Disney hardly ever misses, they might have to re-cast the part of the Sorcerer for the sequel.
Rating: Make it magically appear on your computer through downloading
The Last Airbender - M. Night Shyamalan
With some crazy effects - now in 3D - director M. Night Shyamalan brings his spotty track record back to the big screen. How many more movies is this guy going to direct before studios quit giving him money. With no major star power, this moves relies on great special effects and Shyamalan's name as director for drawing power. So, in the movie one man has to learn his super powers to overcome the forces of nature. If you combined The Last Airbender and Sorcerer's Apprentice you might have one decent movie. In this one, you just get Shyamalan's cameo appearance and of course **SPOILER ALERT** aliens.
Rating: Wait for M. Night Shyamalan next film
Karate Kid – Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith
Watch the original from 1986 - Daniel Larusso is going to fight!
Rating: Don't even think about it.
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