With a tip of the cap to Peter King over at Sports Illustrated, I have a quick story about how frustrating air travel can be.
Last Friday, I flew to Montreal, going through check in and security was not an issue in Toronto. Even though I forgot my passport, and panicked momentarily until recalling that you don't need your passport to fly within Canada.
The aggravation came on the way home. Upon going through security in Montreal, the metal detector went off even though I had emptied my pockets, removed my belt and my watch is plastic! So, now I had the choice to stand in the full body giant x-ray machine or get patted down. The story of Indian actor Shar Rukh Khan signing print outs of his naked outline went through my head. So I elected for the pat down. After, security was confident I wasn't carrying concealed weapons, I was told that my carry on bag needed to be searched. Thank goodness they found the hand cream that I stole from the hotel and forgot to put in a plastic bag and my hair gel that was 100ml too big so it was confiscated (not in Toronto, just in Montreal).
When I finally got on the plane for the hour flight, I turned on the TV but no movies are only an hour in length so I got through 50 minutes of Sherlock Holmes - does anyone know how it ends? Does he solve the crime?
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